"Present for the president"

Films: Independents' Day (2016)

Alias: None

Type: Alien

Location: Eldritch Location/Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of average elephants.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: When the colonizers from another world show up to our doorstep, you ever wonder if our world leaders ever look into the mirror and reflect on how they've been no different? Well, of course they don't. Half the time, they're trying to figure out how to swing it all in their favor. Though that tends to be hard when the aliens push their own agenda first.

History: An alien race known as the Orions have destroyed most of our major cities. They offer the human race a chance to be a part of their society, but only at the cost of their freedom. Oh, and our blood is important to them so that they can live forever. A small group of soldiers still loyal to the president are not going to let the invaders get away scot-free, so now the true battle is on.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: The alien leader meets with the president. Although the being tries to justify their reign as a natural order, she is shot down and killed as the rest of her fleet is destroyed. The Earth is free again!

Powers/Abilities: The aliens share a hive mind.

Weakness: Anything conventional.

Scariness Factor: 2.5-The oddly robotic voice and intriguing design of the main alien will definitely unnerve some. But the crap CGI of both her and her entire army of ships will not. In spite of their vast technology, these aliens couldn't seem to get a better effects budget for themselves, and that sucks.

Trivia: -The main alien was actually voiced by this film's director, Laura Beth Love. That is some genuine dedication there.

-The transport ship interior sets were borrowed from the Asylum's previous mockbuster, "Age of Tommorow". Three guesses as to what that film was capitalizing on, and the first two don't count.

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Hey, Growing Gremlin. How goes it?
Whoops! Soembody wrecked the microwave again.
